Recent Posts
October 05, 2021
Visiting PhD student
This week the group is joined by PhD student Sina Thorsen Takle from Nils Halberg's group, University of Bergen. Sina is visiting us in Oslo to get her hands on network analysis approaches and apply these to Imaging Mass Cytometry data. This is part of a recently funded project by the NCMM Collaborative Grants to the Halberg, Malmberg, and Kuijjer groups. Welcome Sina!
September 28, 2021
New BioRxiv pre-print
We have a new BioRχiv pre-print in which we describe how to apply our LIONESS method to different network reconstruction algorithms and data types. In the pre-print, we highlight how decisions related to data preprocessing may affect the output networks, discuss some of the properties specific to networks modeled with LIONESS, and give examples of how to perform downstream analysis on LIONESS networks. The BioRχiv pre-print can be found...
September 20, 2021
New network tools
We updated the website's tools section to include new methods developed by the group that will be released soon, including PORCUPINE and retriever.
September 15, 2021
Building bridges
The NCMM recently interviewed Marieke about some of the group's collaborations. The news article, Building Bridges, can be accessed here. It also includes some updates on our research in the past year.
September 13, 2021
New publication
We are happy to announce that Marouen's database, the Gene RegulAtory Network Database (GRAND) has been published in Nucleic Acids Research! GRAND was developed in the Quackenbush group and is a large resource of genome-wide networks across multiple human tissues, disease states, and cell lines. It hosts, for example, all of the patient-specific gene regulatory networks we modeled for our recently published study in...