Recent Posts
February 18, 2022
Marieke joins the executive board of the FOSTER consortium
Marieke was recently invited to join the executive board of the Fight OSteosarcoma Through European Research (FOSTER) consortium as biologist representative. The consortium brings together almost 200 oncologists, researchers, patients, parents, and others, who together will work on improving patient outcome and quality of life. See Pan Pantziarka (parent representative and researcher)'s blog post to learn more about this important initiative.
February 08, 2022
New BioRxiv pre-print
We have a new BioRχiv pre-print out, as part of a collaboration with Victor Greiff and his group, who used network approaches to compare and analyze immune repertoires. The BioRχiv pre-print can be found here. More information on the pre-print can be found here.
February 04, 2022
New co-supervised PhD student
We are very excited to announce that Saikat Das Sajib has joined the group as a co-supervised PhD student. Saikat is a PhD student in the group of Erik Knutsen at the Arctic University of Norway (UiT), where he started in November 2021. Prior to that, he obtained his Master's degree in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry from the University of Oslo. Saikat will be studying breast cancer...
February 02, 2022
Two collaborative projects awarded
The NCMM recently published a call for the funding of collaborative projects between young researchers from the Arctic University of Norway, University of Tromsø and NCMM groups. We are happy to announce that we received funding for two projects. We will be collaborating with Erik Knutsen from the Department of Medical Biology to study epithelial to mesenchymal transition in breast cancer. Together with Ilona Urbanova from the
February 01, 2022
New group member
We are very excited to announce that Gabriel Stav has joined the lab as a Master's thesis student. Gabriel is a student at the Cell Biology, Physiology and Neuroscience Master's program at the Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UiO. He'll be working on network approaches for analysis of Hi-C data and is co-supervised by Jonas Paulsen. Welcome Gabriel!